- (Fall 2024) Class Meeting Times &
Course Structure
Clarify the course objective
you an understanding of who is taking the course
Explain a process control system
tool: Laplace transform
- Characterization of process response
Simulation tool: SIMULINK (dynamic simulation)
- Response of first-order system
- Response of second-order system
- Linearization
- First-order dynamic systems
- (2024-??)
- First-order dynamic systems
Second-order dynamic systems
Integrating process
Open-loop unstable process
Inverse response process
Control Valve
- Control Valve
- PID Controllers
- Feedback Loop
- Flow Control Loop
- Stability Analysis
- (2024-?/)
Feedback Control Tuning: Closed
Feedback Control Tuning: Open Loop
- Controller Design of Integrating Processes
- Controller Synthesis and Internal Model Control
- Tips of Controller Tuning
- (2024-??)
Frequency Response Technique
Cascade Control
Ratio Control
Override and Selective Control
- (2024-??)
- Discussions
- Oral Presentations
- (Due
??-2024) Assignment 1: Construct a nonlinear dynamic process
and make comparison between the nonlinear dynamic process and
the linearized one.
- (Due
??-2024) Assignment 2: Simulate a feedback control loop for a
nonlinear process. Explain the control performance depending on
the characteristics of the controlled process.
- (Due
??-2024) Assignment 3: Design a PID controller to enhance the
control performance in the time domain and in the frequency
- (Due
??-2024) Assignment 4: Make a project to show how to link
different control strategies (feedback control, feedforward
control, ratio control and cascade control).
- Grading Distribution
No quiz
and exam will be given. Several homework will be assigned.
Homework will be assigned periodically. The homework will
consist of applying one of the techniques design methods
presented in the course to a problem chosen by students.
Analysis and simulation will be expected. Hope that these
applications can inspire your fantasy, which contributes to new
applications of these techniques in chemical problems or other
- The
course requires
basic knowledge in numerical methods, calculus and some computer
(MATLAB) experience, although it certainly is advantageous
to have prior exposure--not strictly required.
- Assignment 1-3:
- Assignment 4:
- Q&A:
- Process Control Simulation with MATLAB & SIMULINK
- ODE Simulation with MATLAB & SIMULINK
- Dynamic simulation based on transfer function in
Simulink: Car_tf.slx (R2017)
- Dynamic simulation based on ODEs in Simulink:
Car_ode.slx (R2017)
- Dynamic simulation based on ODEs in Simulink using
MATLAB Function: Tank.slx;
load_.m (R2017)
- Laplace Transform with Symbolic Toolbox
- Control Analysis and Simulation with Control Toolbox
- PPTs